Is it March already????? Just a few notes about some recent and upcoming activities... The "Walk on the Wild Side" of a week or so ago focused on mosses, and in particular on the fascinating strategies for survival they have. We talked a good bit about the idea of "alternation of generations" and how that concept relates to moss reproduction. Lots of fun, a great crowd, excellent questions. Thanks to all who attended. I'm including a shot of the talk taken by one of the attendees (thanks Nancy). If you ever take pictures in the Blomquist, whether during a tour or just by yourself, and are willing to share them, I'd love to use them in this blog or on the website. Here are a few links to topics we discussed during the tour:
Lots of spring ephemeral wildflowers popping up! Give me a day and I should have the "what's blooming" page of the website updated with some images of plants in bloom and where you can see them. See you soon.