Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hi there! I just got finished writing some of the text for a new interpretive sign in the Blomquist Garden, and I thought I might share a bit with you. With each new garden area we develop within the Blomquist Garden, we incorporate some type of informational signage to help visitors appreciate the area. As we near completion on the wildlife garden, I've been thinking alot about how to convey to the public how important gardening for wildlife is. For me, it's a lens that I look through for all the gardening I do in the Blomquist. I try to make sure that every new design incorporates the idea of food, water and shelter for insects, birds and mammals. I do this because it gives me another chance to reference this topic with visitors wherever we are in the garden. Insects feed birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Insects, birds and mammals provide plant species with pollination and seed dispersal services. Plants provide insects, birds, mammals, etc with food as well as shelter in the form of nesting materials or places for insects to develop between life stages. We rely on plants for everything. We'd die without them, and thus it's in our best interests to maintain healthy ecosystems by maintaining plant diversity. One of the ways we can do this is by helping maintain the diversity of the wildlife species that plants depend on. Please, garden for wildlife by adding plant species to your landscape that supply their needs. Each of us can make a difference-really. For a great book on this topic, pick up a copy of "Bringing Nature Home" by Doug Tallamy. Also, feel free to contact me through the blog with questions or comments on this or any other native plant related topic. Till next time....

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