I also want to say welcome to those visitors who learned of this blog through the NC Native Plant Society website. http://www.ncwildflower.org/ This is a great, well-run organization that does a lot of good work for native plants. If you are not familiar with them, visit the website to learn more.
As I'm in the process of doing the final design work on our new Wildlife Garden, I thought I might mention a few nurseries that I use that have a good selection of natives for attracting our local birds and insects. For great native perennials, I am very partial to Niche Gardens (http://www.nichegardens.com/). Most of my native shrubs and small trees come from either Carolina Native Nursery http://www.carolinanativenursery.com/ , Rarebird Nursery 919-853 3969, or Cure Nursery http://www.curenursery.com/. You can also get links to these and others at the NC Native Plant Society website in their sources section- www.ncwildflower.org/natives/sources.htm
Till next time..
This is a great way to let the public know what is happening in the Blomquist, thank you...Bill